Notice of alert:

5g crisis

Prepared by Spokane wired

Notice of Alert: 5G Crisis : PDF
Notice of Alert: 5G Crisis : Web Format

We, the public, human men and women on Earth, do not consent to having small wireless telecommunication facilities (WTF) installed in front of our homes and on our schools and businesses. We know this is a cancer causing, weaponized, environmental toxin and we will not allow this in our city, state, country and Earth. We do not consent.

We notify all on this planet that they may not utilize frequency to harm us. Any participant in the deployment of 5G will be held personally accountable and liable for the harm they cause humans, animals, insects and the Earth.

The deployment of 5G on land, sea and in orbit is an act of treason, and a crime against humanity, and will be prosecuted as such.

Notice of alert: 5g Crisis!

I. Opening Letter

II. Spokane Wired Organizational Background

III. What is 5G?
3-1 For Machines, NOT People
3-2 Technologies, Infrastructure and Frequencies

IV. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is NOT a Credible Authority
4-1 Captured Agency: How the FCC is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates
4-2 Current Lawsuits Against the FCC
4-3 Worldwide Actions Against 5G
4-4 Americans for Responsible Technology Press Release June 18, 2020

V. Heath & Environmental Hazards
5-1 Scientific Study Resources. 5G Never Proven Safe!
5-2 What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?
5-3 Local Statements About Health & Sensitivity

VI. Legal Liability & Declining Property Value
6-1 Legal Liability - Lloyds of London Refuses to Insure
6-2 Legal Liability - TELECOM Disclosure Re: Potential Litigation
6-3 Declining Property Values : Americans for Responsible Technology

VII. Privacy & Security Threats of 5G
7-1 Unlawful Surveillance Capabilities with 5G MIMO Grids
7-2 Potential Weaponization of Millimeter Waves in Civilian Neighborhoods

VIII. Expectations of City, County & State for Regulation & Oversight Regarding 5G

IX. Gratitude

Notice of Alert : 5G Crisis

I. Opening Letter

It is with great urgency that we issue this "Notice of Alert" to you, our representatives, men and women in positions of leadership in government and in public utilities. We assert that the responsibility for learning and understanding the information within this packet is yours. Upon receiving this information you may no longer defer to other governing bodies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or paid industry "experts" to inform you of what you should think, or how you should govern, legislate, permit or cooperate regarding the deployment of 5G on current towers or on new small Wireless Telecommunications facilities (sWTF) in our locality.

We have provided you with information to help you understand that while this technology would increase our wireless capacity it is also extremely hazardous. The hazards include but are not limited to serious health effects, safety problems from potential electrical fires and pole instability, environmental degradation including bee and bird population decline, threats to citizen privacy, potential vulnerability to computer hacking to deploy weaponized frequencies, and the devaluing of private property.
Additionally, there are currently no insurance companies willing to assume liability for the health effects from all forms of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF). Thus, we alert you that cities that issue permits for cell towers, and utilities that deploy the technology could be held liable by citizens harmed by the inevitable damage from untested and unsafe 5G technologies.

Packet contents are numbered and referenced within the body of this letter for easy viewing.

Health Hazards:
The members of Spokane Wired have invested their time studying the science documenting harm from Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) and specifically 2G, 3G, 4G and WiFi wireless technologies. All forms of wireless frequencies affect biological cellular health. There are thousands of scientific studies that show negative health affects, including cancer and infertility. 5G uses many new bandwidths that have never been tested for safety on animals (including humans) or insects. It is unfathomable to the average citizen that this technology is being installed outside their home, to irradiate them 24/7, when not one study has been done to prove the safety of this technology. We call your attention to these once touted "safe" practices in our recent past: Building with Asbestos, "DDT is good for me-e-e", Thalidomide for morning sickness, X-Rays in pregnant mothers, Smoking - "Doctors Recommend Camels". How long did it take public opinion and legislative action to catch up with the robust science showing the dangers of smoking cigarettes? It was around 40 years. Today, wireless technology, according to independent scientists, is more hazardous than smoking. It was not common practice for teachers to smoke in the classroom, even when smoking was popular, but we are rapidly placing the odorless carcinogen, WiFi, above the heads of our school children in the name of "progress", while placing "No Smoking Within 25 ft." signs outside the front door. How will history judge our willful ignorance?

See documents 4-4, 5-1

Privacy Violations:
Much like a bat can see using sound frequency, the newly licensed 5G frequencies, wide band widths from very low to very high millimeter waves, placed in a grid using Multiple In Multiple Out (MIMO) technology will make it possible to "see" citizens in real time. The ability of private corporations to unlawfully surveil citizens in, what was once thought to be "the privacy of", their own homes is increased as more sWTFs are installed in a grid formation in our neighborhoods.

See documents 3-1, 3-2

In our technological world, we often hear of major security breaches of banks or corporations compromising citizen's personal data, account information or social security numbers. What is being done to secure the private, real time, information that will be gathered from the 5G MIMO Grid. Who owns our data? Are we allowing, without oversight, multi-national corporations to gather data from our daily lives to sell to the highest bidder? Who owns the information of when we wake, when we go to work and where, who we live with, where we sit to eat our meals, when we shower within our own private homes? Will our biometrics also be scanned and sent to the central authority who will fine us if we don't eat our vegetables? This is the brave new world we invite when we allow 5G grids into our community. We may have to re-brand our country from "Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave" to "Land of the Surveilled & the Home of the Sick".

See documents 5-1, 7-1, 7-2

Security Threat:
5G poses a security threat for everyone in our nation. With "5G" comes a new approach to generating frequency: "Phased Array" beam-forming. Never before used "Phased Array" technology is the directional beaming of frequency, aimed at a target. The previous generations of wireless towers were omnidirectional and not capable of targeting. While phased array transmission makes data transfer efficient, it also likewise makes utilizing frequency as a weapon efficient.

One of the bandwidths of 5G approved for use by the FCC include the millimeter wave which is classified as "extremely high frequency" at 30-300 gigahertz (GHz). This band of frequency is used by the military in their "active denial" system which works by targeting the millimeter wave at a person, heating the water in their tissue causing a burning sensation. If sustained it will cause burns. Do we really wish to allow military weapons technology controlled by multi-national corporations in our civilian neighborhoods? When Spokanites assert their first amendment right to peaceably assemble in our public parks, will this technology be used to harm us? When we allow 5G grids into our neighborhoods we set up the infrastructure that would allow for a technocratic world far worse than was illustrated in George Orwell's book "1984".

See documents 7-1, 7-2

Legal Liability for Declining Property Value and Health:
In an ideal world, all of the above realities would stop the deployment of this infrastructure in its tracks. However, we at Spokane Wired are not naive, we know that in the business of the United States it is currency and contracts that rule, not conscience and duty. We hold the wish of the highest possibility that the ideals of our Republic will stand, and that you, the magistrates will do your duty and honor your oaths to and agreements with the people you serve. That being said, we will not neglect to assert that by allowing sWTFs to be installed in the right of way in close proximity to private homes and businesses of men and women in our community, through the acts of issuing permits, installation of new power poles and generally cooperating with industry, you are a party to the devaluation of the personal property of the men and women in our community. We assert that you are personally responsible for the resulting financial loss due to your acquiescence and cooperation.

See document 6-3

We also bring to your attention to the fact that there are no insurance companies that will insure cell towers against health claims. Lloyds of London, announced that they won't cover Smart Phones, WiFi, Smart Meters, or Cell Phone Towers by excluding ALL wireless radiation hazards. Lloyds sets the policy that is followed by other insurance companies. Therefore, the City could be held liable for claims from homeowners exposed to EMF from towers placed in their residential neighborhoods. Bayer-Monsanto have announced that the company will make a total payment of $10.1 billion to $10.9 billion to settle the non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Roundup litigation in the U.S. If the proliferation of wireless technology, especially in the form of 5G grids and 5G in space is not halted, the catastrophic health disaster is sure to see litigation.

See documents 6-1, 6-2

Telecommunications Industry Misinformation and Complicity with the FCC
We assert that there has been a willful effort on the part of the Telecom Industry to promote misinformation about the safety of cellular, 5G technology and wireless technology in general by claiming that non-ionizing radiation is safe. The Telecommunications industry is utilizing the "tobacco playbook" to promote doubt around scientific safety studies and slandering reputable independent scientists as "quacks" if these scientists have found wireless technology to be hazardous to health or the environment. See document 6-2
Our government agency, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is not protecting the health of the citizens of our nation. They have not updated their safety regulations in 24 years to reflect the worldwide scientific discoveries since that time. Their negligence has brought law suits against them recently, the largest being by Children's Health Defense, a non-profit children's rights organization. It is common knowledge amongst scientists and industry insiders that the Telecommunications industry has infiltrated the FCC. They do not serve the people and should not be deferred to as an authority.

See documents 4-1, 4-2

Actions Needed by Community Leaders, Elected Officials
These are harrowing times. We are all called to rise up and defend our neighborhoods, defend our privacy and defend our city, county, state, and country from an industry who cares not for the health, security, privacy or property of our citizens. Meaningful and swift action that is reflective of the urgency to protect the public from this threat is required.
In conclusion, we are asking/demanding that you take immediate action upon reading this packet of information. As a result of our "Notice of Alert" and the accompanying materials, you can no longer claim ignorance of the potential harm from EMF's to citizens and the environment.

In Document 8 "Conclusion and List of Actions" we have listed the actions we believe are needed in order of importance starting with:

  1. A moratorium on all new wireless facilities and any additional nodes to existing facilities until such time as safety can be proved
  2. Create oversight for permitting and compliance for all wireless facilities
  3. Create State Health Department Oversight, in compliance with HIPPA, to acquire, track and meaningfully analyze health data for disease patterns in relation to measured EMF and RF exposures
  4. Create a State Commission investigating the health, security, privacy, religious and philosophical implications of using non-ionizing radiation as a tool for communication and commerce

Thank you for your prompt attention. We request that you respond to us within 2 weeks time.

Questions and a response can be directed to us at Spokane Wired:


Spokane Wired

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II. Spokane Wired Organizational Background

Spokane Wired is a local citizens group whose goal is to protect the health and environment of those living in Spokane, Spokane County, and Washington State from wireless radiation through education and activism.

There is an abundance of evidence that 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, 1G, WiFi and Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) in general are harmful to the environment and all of humanity. Spokane Wired is working to educate the citizens of Spokane County and the Inland Northwest about the health hazards of cell towers, small cells, cell phones, WiFi, and other wireless technologies. We aim to educate our city councils, city attorneys, mayors, health departments, schools and power companies on the potential harm of 5G and other EMF emitting technologies so as to facilitate rapid shift away from wireless toward wired technology.

Our local governments have much more power regarding installation of wireless facilities than they have been led to believe by the Telecommunications industry and the FCC. By providing in-depth education and support, we wish to empower our local officials to examine the technology and halt the roll-out of 5G until the long-term ramifications can be studied.

Our goal is a healthy environment, healthy people, and the ability to live life to the fullest - free from the cancers, neurological disorders, anxieties, depressions, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, attention and learning disorders, plus other afflictions caused by or associated with wireless exposure.

We stand with the Environmental Health Trust and Children's Health Defense organizations in asserting that wireless technology we use and are exposed to every day can and does cause biological harm, which has been proven scientifically. We aim through partnership and education to empower our representatives and health agencies toward right action that reflects the urgency of this public health crisis. Ultimately, we will hold our representatives and health agencies accountable for the harm done as a result of allowing the proliferation of these untested technologies.

Spokane Wired maintains a large and growing e-mail list of Spokane County and Inland Northwest residents interested in understanding the technology, learning more about the potential health effects, and reducing their exposure to this invisible, odorless, carcinogenic, health hazard. We are also partnering with other similar groups in the Inland Northwest including Idahoans for Safe Technology, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome Idaho (EHSIdaho) and Scientists 4 Wired Technology.

Facebook - Spokane Wired
Facebook - Stop 5G Spokane

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III. What is 5G?

3-1 For Machines, NOT People
3-2 Technologies, Infrastructure and Frequencies

3-1 For Machines, NOT People

Throughout the country, the state of Washington, and Spokane County, there is NO GAP in wireless coverage. 4G has brought connectivity to everyone with a smart phone. Cell Towers now dominate some of our most pristine locations, including our lakes and mountains. Our current 4G coverage is so seamless that even in rural areas, those who are electromagnetic hyper-sensitive (EHS), according to a Spokane Wired member who has EHS, can no longer find a locality with low enough radio frequency exposure to live free from EHS symptoms.
Meanwhile the promised build out of Fiber Optic Connectivity to the Home and Business (FTTP) has been taken out of the national conversation in favor of inferior Wireless Broadband Connectivity.

Telecom has been advertising that with 5G our download speeds will be even faster. What has been left out of the controlled release of information is that 5G is being installed as an essential component of the expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Technocrats envision a society run by Artificial Intelligence where every interaction is commoditized, tracked and automated. Their vision includes the running of all societal and economical systems through machine learning in real time.

An AI enabled world will allow for machine to machine communication, anywhere within the 5G grid. If 5G is allowed to continue to be deployed in space, machines will be operating everywhere autonomously. Drones my be flying overhead, driverless cars could replace private ownership of vehicles, the data of our private homes could be monitored in real time, private biometric information could be buzzing through the air to interact with data centers and algorithms, suggesting what we should or should not buy, and if we are fit to leave our homes. Shopping would no longer require an exchange of money for a certified receipt of purchase in a check-out line, but rather microchips in items would be autonomously read through face surveillance and linked to the chip on or in the human exiting the store. Human beings may be integrated with machines through what is termed "singularity" where every aspect of their existence is plugged into machine learning, biometrics, and data storage and access.

Some may view these technological potentials as exciting or even inevitable, but others, including the members of Spokane Wired, who have a deep spiritual reverence for the human experience, connected in presence with nature, animals, and other human beings, believe that the potential for disaster far outweighs any novelty or convenience that ubiquitous AI may bring.

We at Spokane Wired understand, on a very deep level, that communication and connection through technology is a severe demotion from, and never a substitute for, real life in-the-flesh connection. Our sense of place, belonging, and meaning are dependent on our face-to-face connection with other human beings, animals and nature itself. Our Liberty depends on our freedom to autonomously walk this land without technocratic surveillance or rule. Indeed for life to be good and meaningful it must include: 1. In person, real time connection with the natural world including people at our favorite shops and restaurants, attending spiritual and community gatherings, dancing, singing, making art with other people, and being out in nature witnessing the beauty of life and 2. doing ALL of these things with liberty and autonomy; with free will. The Republic of the United State of America and all the citizens therein must retain freedom from the intruding nature of 5G-AI, not only into our private lives, but also into our thoughts. We must actively work to prevent AI from destroying our autonomy, free will and the sacredness of human life as we know it.

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3-2 Technologies, Infrastructure and Frequencies

Phased Array, Beamforming
Phased Array is a new technology that allows the triangulation and targeting of frequency directed at a specific coordinate, presumably a 5G phone/device or Robotic Technology. There have not been tests to insure that the exposure to the human target, measured in millivolts per meter or microwatts per centemeter, do not exceed the current, outdated standards. Neither the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) nor the Municipal codes have regulated standards for this new technology in regards to both security and health safety.

Multiple In, Multiple Out (MIMO) is a new technology allowing multiple frequencies to be transmitted and received simultaneously. This allows for real time targeting and tracking. The tighter the grid of wireless telecom facilities (WTFs), the more precise the surveillance capabilities. Additionally, with the wide spectrum of frequencies that have been newly liscenced for use, even a widely spaced grid, using low band width 500-900 megahertz (MHz) frequency which can travel long distances and through thick walls and concrete, will have increased surveillance capabilities.

Grid Infrastructure in Neighborhoods
5G grids would place infrastructure outside of homes as close as 20 feet from a bedroom. There would be no ability to opt-out of the radiation exposure, nor would there be a way to opt-out of the surveillance capabilities that a MIMO 5G Grid would make possible. Privacy legislation, to our knowledge, has not yet been pursued to protect us from what is possible with 5G.
In addition to potential harm from exposure, those with the diagnosable medical condition EHS, will have nowhere to live. In a matter of time, this will become a recognized disability in the USA. Who will be responsible for creating livable spaces for those with EHS? The health, safety and privacy of the public must be protected.

A Multitude of Untested NEW Frequencies
5G has undergone precisely ZERO safety tests. Every frequency listed below does not occur naturally and therefore we must assume that all biological life could be negatively affected by exposure to this electromagnetic frequency radiation. We must use the precautionary principal if we wish to avoid the potential for irreversible, catastrophic species collapse that could result from the deployment of untested 5G frequencies.

NEW 5G: 600 MHz = cm microwaves of 50cm ≈ 20 inches ("MHz" = Megahertz)
4G: 700 MHz = cm microwaves of ~43cm ≈ 17 inches ("cm" = centimeter)
3G/4G: 800 MHz = cm microwaves of 37.5cm ≈ 15 inches
3G/4G: 900 MHz = cm microwaves of ~33.3cm ≈ 13 inches
3G/4G: 1800 MHz = cm microwaves of ~16.7cm ≈ 6.6 inches
3G/4G: 2100 MHz = cm microwaves of ~14.3cm ≈ 5.6 inches
Wi-Fi: 2450 MHz = cm microwaves of ~12cm ≈ 5 inches
NEW 5G: 3100 MHz to 3550 MHz = ~9.7 to ~8.5cm ≈ 3.8 to 3.3 inches
NEW 5G: 3550 MHz to 3700 MHz = ~8.5cm to ~8.1cm ≈ 3.3 to 3.2 inches
NEW 5G: 3700 MHz to 4200 MHz = ~8.1cm to ~7cm ≈ 3.2 to 2.8 inches
NEW 5G: 4200 to 4900 MHz = ~7cm to ~6cm ≈ 2.8 to 2.4 inches
NEW 5G Wi-Fi: 5800 MHz = ~5cm microwaves of ~2 inches
NEW 5G: 24,250 to 24,450 MHz = mm microwaves of ~12mm ≈ 0.5 inch ("mm" = millimeter)
NEW 5G: 25,050 to 25,250 MHz = mm microwaves of ~12mm ≈ 0.5 inch
NEW 5G: 25,250 to 27,500 MHz = mm microwaves of ~11mm ≈ 0.4 inch
NEW 5G: 27,500 to 29,500 MHz = mm microwaves of ~10mm ≈ 0.4 inch
NEW 5G: 31,800 to 33,400 MHz = mm microwaves of ~9mm ≈ 0.4 inch
NEW 5G: 37,000 to 40,000 MHz = mm microwaves of ~8mm ≈ 0.3 inch
NEW 5G: 42,000 to 42,500 MHz = mm microwaves of ~7mm ≈ 0.3 inch
NEW 5G: 64,000 to 71,000 MHz = mm microwaves of ~5mm ≈ 0.2 inch
NEW 5G: 71,000 to 76,000 MHz = mm microwaves of ~4mm ≈ 0.2 inch
NEW 5G: 81,000 to 86,000 MHz = mm microwaves of ~3.6mm ≈ 0.1 inch

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IV. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is NOT a Credible Authority

4-1 Captured Agency: How the FCC is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates
4-2 Current Lawsuits Against the FCC
4-3 Worldwide Actions Against 5G
4-4 Americans for Responsible Technology Press Release June 18, 2020

4-1 Captured Agency: How the FCC is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates

The FCC is described as an independent agency of the United States government that regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable across the United States. The FCC maintains jurisdiction over the areas of broadband access, fair competition, radio frequency use, media responsibility, public safety, and homeland security.

While the FCC is the regulating government body for all wireless and other communications within the United States, there have been allegations of serious corruption within the agency and collusion with the telecommunications industry. A term that comes up time and time again with regards to the FCC, is "Captured Agency". Captured agencies are essentially controlled by the industries they are supposed to regulate. A detailed look at the FCC in the 59 page Harvard Center for Ethics report entitled, "Captured Agency", shows that over the years the FCC has granted the Wireless Telecommunications Industry what it has wanted rather than offering independent oversight of the industry. As a result, due to unchecked industry influence, consumer safety, health, and privacy, have all been overlooked.

This report from the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University describes at length the problems with the FCC. All italicized text on this page are taken from the report:

Captured Agency: How the FCC is Dominated by the Industry it Presumably Regulates
Published by: Edmond J.Safra Center for Ethics Harvard University
124 Mount Auburn Street, Suite 520 N Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

"Industry controls the FCC through a soup-to-nuts stranglehold that extends from its well-placed campaign spending in Congress through its control of the FCC's Congressional oversight committees to its persistent agency lobbying."

There is a revolving door of personnel between the FCC and Industry Lobbying groups, creating a den of deception.

The previous commissioner of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, has led the two most powerful industry lobbying groups: CTIA and NCTA. It is Wheeler who once supervised a $25 million industry-funded research effort on wireless health effects. But when handpicked research leader George Carlo concluded that wireless radiation did raise the risk of brain tumors, Wheeler's CTIA allegedly rushed to muffle the message. "You do the science. I'll take care of the politics," Carlo recalls Wheeler saying.

The current chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, is a former industry lawyer.

FCC commissioners in 2014 received invitations to the Wireless Foundation's May 19th Achievement Awards Dinner. Sounds harmless, but for the fact that the chief honoree at the dinner was none other than former wireless lobbyist but current FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. Is this the man who will act to look impartially at the growing body of evidence pointing to health and safety issues?

As the old saying goes: The fox is watching the hen-house. In light of the evidence that suggests that the FCC is not acting as an independent government regulatory agency, we cannot trust that the interest of the public is being looked after and must therefore come to our own conclusions about what is safe and what we will allow in our community.

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4-2 Current Lawsuits Against the FCC

Children's Health Defense
With regards to the FCC's guidelines on EMF limits, the Children's Health Defense (CHD), a prominent non-profit for children's health is leading a historic legal action against the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) for its refusal to review their 25 year old guidelines. The Petition contends the agency's actions are capricious, not evidence-based and do not adequately protect public health from wireless technology radiation.

The Petition was filed on 2/2/2020 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Environmental Health Trust with Children's Health Defense in follow up to Petition
(Updated 1/25/21)
Judges Question FDA and US Agency Roles in Landmark Case Against the FCC
EHT et al. v. the FCC seeks to have the Court order the FCC to remand, vacate and update its 25-year-old exposure guidelines for radio-frequency radiation (RFR) from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, 5G and other wireless communication devices. After Environmental Health Trust's case was consolidated in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals with Children's Health Defense, the evidentiary briefs were filed jointly with the Children's Health Defense, as well as Consumers for Safe Cell Phones and numerous other petitioners including Elizabeth Barris, Theodora Scarato MSW, Michelle Hertz, Petra Broken, Dr. David Carpenter, Dr. Toril Jelter, Dr. Paul Dart, Dr. Ann Lee, Virginia Farver, Jennifer Baran and Paul Stanley M.Ed.

24 Local Governments
Twenty-four local governments are taking legal action, filed in three separate suits, with each case making the same basic argument against the FCC's order on 5G rollout. The governments argue that the order greatly hinders their ability to manage how phone companies use public property. October 30, 2018.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
NRDC filed a lawsuit against the FCC on May 14, 2018. NRDC is challenging the legality of the FCC's March 30, 2018 order exempting "small wireless facilities" from environmental review.

Erin Brokovich's firm
Erin Brokovich's firm joins in lawsuit to sue FCC over 5G and Telecom Act over health and safety.

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4-3 Worldwide Actions Against 5G

Opposition to 5G is currently being pursued by many groups both within the United States and throughout the world. Below are some of the ongoing actions of groups opposed to 5G. The common thread among the opposition is the lack of safety testing by industry for both human and non-human health.

Jersey City Council Postpones 5G Utility Pole Installation
The Jersey City Council has unanimously tabled an ordinance to approve the upgrade and installation of 72 utility poles which the council says will include 5G technology after members of the public spoke against the ordinance.
The critics cited a lack of transparency, lack of notice, and lack of information as well as data expressing concerns on the possible health ramifications the technology could have on residents despite the Federal Communications Commission's ruling that the technology is safe.

EASTON, Conn. Bans 5G Technology Rollout Citing Lack of Research, Testing
EASTON, Conn. (WTNH) — The town of Easton has decided to stop its 5G wireless technology rollout.
Until research and testing show its safe for humans and the environment, a 5G cease and desist resolution was unanimously approved by the town on May 7, 2020. The American Academy of Pediatrics and hundreds of medical and scientific experts have advised the federal communication commission to test the long-term safety of 5G technology.

Farragut Tennessee Passes Resolution to Halt 5G Until FCC Limits Ensure Safety
Farragut Tennessee has approved a resolution calling on state and federal governments to halt 5G until health risks are evaluated by "sound science."  The resolution details how FCC limits are outdated and considered inadequate to protect human health by many scientists.
"The measure asks governments to halt 5G infrastructure until the FCC conducts an independent study into any possible health risks posed by the technology."

Delay 5G in the UK Until There's Been an Independent Investigation
Petition with over 53,000 signatories requesting a full independent investigation and report to declare the findings on the 5G network in relation to radio activity and the health implications.
The inquiry should be undertaken by independent medical institutions that are not linked in any way to the telecoms industry, to ensure they are impartial to the findings of health in relation to 5G.

Brussels Becomes First Major City to Ban 5G Wireless Connection
5G technologies are far less studied for human effects. The addition of this 5G radiation to an already complex mix of lower frequencies, will likely contribute to  negative public health outcomes – both physically and mentally. The new 5G technology utilizes high-frequency millimeter waves (MMW), which give off the same dose of radiation as airport scanners. Continuous exposure in close proximity to people's homes and workplaces may pose serious risks.

5G Judicial Review 2020 in the UK
Jessica Learmond-Criqui, Case Owner, Solicitor.
I became involved in understanding the harmful health impact of 5G when a member of my community alerted me to an application to put a mast on the building opposite her apartment.
- To obtain a change of government policy to stop the harm to UK residents, which would include: an immediate halt to the roll out of 5G infrastructure until it is proven to be safe
- Direct all such businesses and persons to turn off all equipment which propagate wireless 5G signals including without limitation masts, antennae, wifi (including in schools), small cells
- Require the government to ensure that the industry lays cabling for the purposes of upgrades in technology rather than relying on wireless technology generating RFR and EMFs

Anti-5G Activists Take Dutch Government To Court Over 'Unethical' Network Rollout
Anti-5G activists in The Netherlands have taken the government in court over the its "unethical" nationwide 5G rollout that poses "serious health risks" to the general public.
As reported by, the Stop5GNL Foundation argues that the rollout of the next-generation telecommunications network should be discontinued until it has been "sufficiently demonstrated that there are no real and serious health risks."
The group made its first appearance in The Hague on Monday, where lawyer Thom Beukers, arguing on behalf of the Stop5GNL Foundation, said the planned the rollout was "unethical". "You do not gamble with the health of the public," he added.

Slovenia halts 5G to Investigate Health and Safety
Mar 18, 2020
5G has been halted in Slovenia while officials take more time to investigate health effects of the new technology. A letter from Minister Rudi Medved (unofficial translation below) states they will reopen the debate on potential health risks.
Be aware that over 180 Cities in Italy have passed Halt 5G Resolutions, several cities in USA have passed protective ordinances to restrict 5G in neighborhoods and municipalities worldwide are slowing and halting the 5G rollout because of published research showing harm from wireless radiation.

Glastonbury calls for 5G inquiry
Following six months of investigation, Glastonbury Town Council has resolved unanimously to adopt the recommendations of their '5G Advisory Committee', which was set up in 2019 to explore the safety of 5G technology.
The recommendations include:
- Write to MPs asking them to establish an inquiry into the safety of 5G
- Call for the UK Government & Public Health England to undertake an independent scientific study:
1. Into the non-thermal effects of 5G 2. Into Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
- Lobbying the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) to take into account the non-thermal effects of radiofrequency EMFs in their Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields.
In addition to the recommendations, Glastonbury Town Council resolved unanimously to continue their adoption of the Precautionary Principle; opposing the roll-out of 5G until further information is made available on the safety or otherwise of the technology.

Twenty-Four Canadian Groups Say: Suspend 5G Until Proven Safe
OTTAWA, May 14, 2020 /CNW/ - Scientists and citizens groups from across Canada are demanding the right to say "No" to 5G in their neighbourhoods. Twenty four Canadian groups are banding together and appealing to the Trudeau government for a national moratorium on 5G roll out, until questions about its human health effects are resolved.
We have sufficient data to classify RF radiation as a Group 1, known human carcinogen, along with, for example, asbestos and tobacco smoke," states Dr. Anthony Miller MD, Professor Emeritus of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, who worked with the International Agency for Research on Cancer on the 2011 scientific review. Dr. Miller is a signatory to the appeal.
The groups from across Canada have joined forces to request that Health Canada engage broadly and complete, for the first time, a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of effects of RF radiation on the health of Canadians.

Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST)
The telecommunications industry is rushing to deploy 5G across Canada, with no prior health and environmental impact assessment, without fully understanding the economic consequences, and without informed consent.
We urge Canadians to appeal to the Government of Canada to "look before we leap," to immediately suspend any further 5G rollout, and to press for a safer, more cost-effective and secure alternative — namely fibre optic and wired connections to every home and business.

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4-4 Americans for Responsible Technology Press Release June 18, 2020

For release: June18, 2020
Media Contact: Doug Wood (516) 423-6021

400 Medical and Public Health Professionals Oppose
FCC Plans for Expanded Wireless Technology

Letter Urges FCC to Update RF Radiation Exposure Guidelines
to Protect Americans from Harm

(New York) More than four hundred medical and public health professionals have signed a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) urging the agency to update its human exposure guidelines for radio-frequency (RF) microwave radiation before approving additional wireless technologies. The letter, filed yesterday in a regulatory procedure, highlights the FCC's failure to consider the established and newly emerging science on RF radiation and its adverse impacts on human health, particularly for vulnerable populations including children and pregnant women.

"Americans are entitled to know the full extent of any potential health risks associated with exposure to RF microwave radiation, particularly at this time when wireless companies are busy installing hundreds of thousands of new wireless antennas in close proximity to homes and apartments," the letter states, noting the Commission's obligation to ensure the "safety of life" for all Americans as set forth in the Communications Act of 1934.

The letter was organized by Americans for Responsible Technology, a national coalition of more than 140 grassroots organizations across 42 states working to educate communities about the health impacts of exposure to RF microwave radiation and opposing further deployment of 5G enabled wireless antennas in residential areas.

"Science moves slowly, and while this may be inconvenient for the restless purveyors of wireless technologies, it does not excuse the Commission from its obligation to protect public health and safety," the letter states. "Waiting for decades to learn whether or not these exposures increase disease rates in human populations and in the natural world is a dangerous and irresponsible strategy."

The full text of the letter and list of signatories can be found at:

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V. Heath & Environmental Hazards

5-1 Scientific Study Resources. 5G Never Proven Safe!
5-2 What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?
5-3 Local Statements About Health & Sensitivity

5-1 Scientific Study Resources. 5G Never Proven Safe!

Over the last 20 years, a robust body of independent science has emerged showing significant biological impacts from exposure to Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) from wireless devices. Health problems include "clear evidence" of cancer, neurological and cognitive harm, stroke, heart abnormalities, reproductive effects and microwave sickness among other serious health problems.

On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified EMF as a Group 1, possible carcinogen.

The Industry Position vs. Independent Scientific Perspective
The telecommunications industry continues to ignore the large body of science that documents harm from EMF's including WiFi, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, smart meters, baby monitors, and Dect phones. Industry maintains the claim that only thermal (heating) effects from EMF's should be of concern. After reviewing what could be described as mountains of science, we see a clear picture of unmistakable harm from these technologies.

Tom Wheeler, when he was Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), said during a speech made at the National Press Club on June 20, 2016:

"5G build out will require massive deployment of small cells....and will generate tens of billions of dollars in economic activity, and that's damn important because it means that US companies will be first out of the gate....Unlike some countries, we do not believe that we should spend the next couple of years studying what 5G should be or how it should operate. The future has a way of inventing itself. Turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting committess and regulators to define the future. We won't wait for the standards."

One wonders which standards he would have been referring to, considering he was the chairman of the regulatory agency meant to establish the standards.

Where is the Science?
In this section we offer a small sampling to showcase the most important studies supported by a large number of scientists as well as resources from globally respected and recognized groups. We include links for reference and continued research.

Hundreds of scientists and medical doctors believe that to permit the deployment of 5G technology and the construction of 5G small cell facilities is dangerous and irresponsible given that they (1.) would operate at newly licensed frequencies using new technology never tested for safety on people, animals, insects, or microorganisms and (2.) would be placed and transmit in close proximity to homes and schools. Scientists continue to appeal to the FCC that manufacturers must conduct pre-market testing to demonstrate the safety of such devices before installing them and turning them on. To date, their appeals have not been heard; testing has not been done.

2018 U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP)
Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in 2018 Final Report
National Toxicology Program, 10 year, 30 million dollar, tax payer funded studies on cancer in rats and mice exposed to cell phone radiation found what it calls "clear evidence" that two different types of cell phone signals, GSM and CDMA, increased the incidence of malignant tumors, gliomas and shwannomas, in the hearts of male rats over the course of the two-year study.

2019, 2012 BioInitiative
Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body. The BioInitiative 2012 Report has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries. It was updated in 2019.

2020 International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Appeal urgently calls for a halt to the deployment of the 5G wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. Written by United Nations staff editor, Claire Edwards with 282,285 signatories from 218 nations and territories, to date. This document has a wealth of scientific information.

Senator Blumenthal Queries Industry on Safety Studies
Industry had no intention of doing studies. In a Senate hearing, Senator Blumenthal asks industry about safety studies and discovers there are none, and they have no intention of doing studies.

Cellular Phone Task Force
2004: International Association of Fire Fighters opposes communication antennas on fire stations.
2011: Studies show cell phones effect honeybees, inducing worker piping, a signal that the hive is preparing to leave the hive in a swarm. This site lists studies plus groups and government actions/ warnings about Wireless Tech.

5G Summit
This series is a compilation of interviews by industry, doctors and researchers who are describing the effects of 5G on the health of all life, not just humans. This can be purchased and shared with others. Or, simply view the list of experts and access their websites for free material.

5G Crisis
There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. This site, run by a non-profit group, has links to 195 published scientific studies/articles, organized by specific effects of EMF's and 5G. View their science page:

Environmental Health Trust
Dr. Devra Davis, Founder and President of Environmental Health Trust, is an international expert on cell phone radiation and is the author of "Disconnect-the truth about cell phone radiation". This website has a wealth of information on the risks of EMF exposure, 5G, Cell Towers, Cell phones, and WiFi. Policy resources, publications, and educational materials are available for download for education and activism. Special focus: Children's Health, Safe Technology, preventing Breast & Brain Cancer, Reproductive Health.

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5-2 What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

It is estimated that 3-10% of the population suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) and 35% experience mild to moderate symptoms.

According to EMF News, "There is a good amount of data emerging that people are suffering, to various degrees, these kinds of symptoms from living next to cell phone towers and other high-frequency radiation emitting antennas, which emit microwaves around the clock."

Symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Headaches, Sleeping Problems and Disturbances, Concentration and Memory problems, Impaired Cognition, Neurological problems, Depression, Difficulty Concentrating, Loss of Memory, Nosebleeds, Extreme Thirst, Allergies including Severe Chemical Sensitivity, Skin Rashes, Digestive Problems, Appetite Loss, Flu-like Symptoms, Chronic Fatigue, Gastrointestinal Problems, Heart Palpitations, Tachycardia, Nerve and Soft Tissue Pain, Frequent Infections, Loss of Hearing, Tinnitus, Visual Disturbances, Dizziness, Impaired Balance, Feeling of Vibration, Night Sweats, Nose Bleeds, Irritability, Thyroid Malfunction, Weight Abnormalities, Joint and Limb Pain, Nausea and Appetite Loss, Chronic Sinusitis, Frequent Urge to Urinate, Lymph Node Swelling, Adrenal Imbalance, Blood Sugar Swings, Vision and Eye Problems | |

The symptoms listed above are experienced by countless people without their knowing the cause, and standard medical care remains largely blind to this "elephant in the room". For example, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, about 30% of American adults complain of occasional insomnia, and 10% suffer from chronic insomnia. Yet, when consulting, in the list of causes of insomnia there is no mention of electromagnetic radiation or radio frequency exposure as a potential cause, even though there is literature to support that hypothesis.

Americans currently get on average 6.8 hours of sleep each night. In stark contrast, in 1910, when there was very little EMF in the environment since electricity was not yet widely installed and radiowaves were not continuously used until 1917-1918 (Firstenberg), the average adult slept 9 hours a night. Now with ever increasing and persistent exposure to cell phone and WiFi Radiation in the sleeping environment, it is no wonder that Americans are not sleeping enough. How are modern sleep scientists missing this seemingly obvious potential cause of insomnia?

For a brief introduction into EHS, we recommend this 8 minute video interview of EHS expert, Olle Johansson Olle Johansson, cautions that WiFi and cell phones are not safe:

"I'm just surprised that our society including parliament, government, health authorities, citizens, parents and more are so quickly willing to expose their kids to things that in laboratory experiments have been very detrimental to life."

He also states that although it remains largely ignored in most countries, in Norway this crisis is seen as an opportunity to create new, safe technologies.

In the book "Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life", Arthur Firstenberg analyzes the history of electricity in the environment, from the early eighteenth century to the present, making a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization --heart disease, diabetes, and cancer-- are related to electrical pollution. On an intuitive level, doesn't it seem obvious that our exposure to electricity, made widespread just 100 year ago, which continues to increase with the sustained introductions of never before in existence, radiowave-frequencies (which are measured in electric millivolts per meter squared or microwatts per centimeter squared), could be contributing to or causing much of the ill health so many people, plants, animals, insects and microbes are suffering from today?

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5-3 Local Statements About Health & Sensitivity

June 2020 - East South Hill Resident
I have known that I am sensitive to radio frequency such as cell phones and WiFi for a decade now and choose to limit my exposure by not using WiFi or a cell phone to maintain my health. Last winter it was a joy to have a season pass at the Ice Ribbon with my 6 year old daughter, and although the radio frequency exposure was high even then, I could tolerate being downtown for a couple of hours.

Since the shut down, Dowtown Spokane, the GU area, and many arterials have had countless towers installed. Now, after Telecom Companies deemed "essential business", have been allowed to install 5G small cell towers on buildings and on power poles in Spokane, the exposure levels in some areas are exceeding the limit of my Acousticom 2 RF meter. My physical reaction is so immediate and so strong that I cannot even drive through downtown or lower N. Division or througn the GU area without experiencing extreme symptoms. My heart rate increases by about 10%, my head aches with pressure, and my eyes ache and sting from the exposure. I also have general symptoms that feel like stress, my cognition does not function as well, and my body feels generally overwhelmed. Due to the higher levels of exposure, I cannot quickly recover using my usual methods.

I am a musician, an art lover, and generally a lover of all things that a vibrant city has to offer. The deploymet of 5G may permanently prevent me from enjoying city life in Spokane. Words cannot adequately express the dispair and disappointment I feel now that my city become uninhabitable for me. How many people are experiencing similar symptoms and do not know that radio frequency may be the cause?

Installing more wireless transmitters is a crime against humanity. Radio frequency is a form of electromagnetic pollution. We must stop polluting our air with RF and utilize wired technology instead. This is gravely important. If we do not stop this, we face global extinction, not just for humans but animals and insects.
- Spokane, WA Resident

July 2020
I used to enjoy coming into Spokane several times a week to go to my favorite coffee shop or wine bar. I frequented many restaurants, the Main Street Market, and enjoyed the river at Riverfront Park. Now that 5G has been installed I don't even want to be down there. I feel terrible when I am there. Why would the city allow the installation of a technology with brand new frequencies that have NEVER BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY? This is insanity! I hold everyone who is in a position of power responsible for allowing the population to be experimented on against their will.
Halt 5G immediately or we are likely to suffer dire health consequences.
- Chattaroy, WA Resident

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VI. Legal Liability & Declining Property Value

6-1 Legal Liability - Lloyds of London Refuses to Insure
6-2 Legal Liability - TELECOM Disclosure Re: Potential Litigation
6-3 Declining Property Values : Americans for Responsible Technology

6-1 Legal Liability - Lloyds of London Refuses to Insure

For years cell phone companies and the FCC have been assuring us that WiFi and cell phone radiation is safe. But is it really safe?

February 2015, Lloyds of London Won't Insure for ALL Wireless Hazards
One of the largest insurers in the world, an insurance company who will take risks when others won't, made its position absolutely clear with regards to exposure to non-ionizing radiation:

EMF injuries are EXCLUDED.

Feb. 18 2015, CFC Underwriting LTD, the UK agent for Lloyd's, published a statement in an article by RFSafe that states that Lloyd's of London Insurance won't cover smartphones, WiFi, Smart Meters or Cell Phone Towers by excluding ALL wireless radiation hazards.

"The Electromagnetic Fields Exclusion (Exclusion 32) is a General Insurance Exclusion and is applied across the market as standard. The purpose of the exclusion is to exclude cover for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionising radiation exposure i.e. through mobile phone usage."

- LLoyds of London

Furthermore, with regards to WiFi in school, Lloyds puts the blame back on schools. In their insurance waiver, they state clearly that it is the school's responsibility to inform parents and teachers if WiFi is being installed.

Parents for Safe Schools and others want to know why schools are not acknowledging the proven health effects of EMF? Allowing WiFi to be installed in the schools suggests that school boards, districts, PTAs, mayors, and governors know that WiFi is safe for children, even though, according to Lloyds of London, it is not.

If WiFi, 5G and all wireless communication frequencies are not proven safe and if risk of potential litigation is too large for them to be insured, then why are publicly elected officials implementing policy that increaseases the public's exposure without their consent or knowledge of potential harm? Is the public being experimented on against their will? Does this not violate the Nuremburg Code of Ethics which states that no one should be experimented on without their informed consent?

This fall, if our children go back to school, and there is a 5G tower now outside their school, we can expect that there will be children who develop an illness: microwave sickness. This can present symptoms such as low oxygen caused by a hemogloban problem in the blood similar to the symptoms of Covid-19. Will these symptoms be assumed to be caused by a virus instead of the true cause: environmental poisoning resulting in syptoms of microwave sickness?

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6-2 Legal Liability - TELECOM Disclosure Re: Potential Litigation

We found further evidence of the acknowledged risks from EMF exposure by searching publicly available information from the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Washington, D.C. 20549, FORM 10-K. Both Sprint Nextel and Verizon Communications have been disclosing the potential for litigation due to alleged health effects of radio frequency since 2008.

Verizon Communications Inc. 2018 Annual SEC Report:

"We are subject to a substantial amount of litigation, which could require us to pay significant damages or settlements.....In addition, our wireless business also faces personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits relating to alleged health effects of wireless phones or radio frequency transmitters. We may incur significant expenses in defending these lawsuits. In addition, we may be required to pay significant awards or settlements."

2018 (page 19)

Sprint Nextel Corporation 2008 SEC Report:

"Portable communications devices have been alleged to pose health risks, including cancer, due to radio frequency emissions from these devices. Purported class actions and other lawsuits have been filed against numerous wireless carriers, including us, seeking not only damages but also remedies that could increase our cost of doing business. We cannot be sure of the outcome of those cases or that our business and financial condition will not be adversely affected by litigation of this nature or public perception about health risks. The actual or perceived risk of mobile communications devices could adversely affect us through a reduction in subscribers, reduced network usage per subscriber or reduced financing available to the mobile communications industry. Further research and studies are ongoing, and we cannot be sure that additional studies will not demonstrate a link between radio frequency emissions and health concerns." (p. 23)

Implications of Liability from 5G EMF
Given that no insurance company will insure against health effects from non-ionizing radiation (ex. 5G, 4G, WiFi), and telecom companies disclose that there are risks for lawsuits to their shareholders, we expect that our city, county and state, all elected officials, and all businesses that are party to the istallation of wireless transmitting devices of any kind must consider the potential that that they too will be held liable for the known health effects and for loss in property values. Considering that Bayer/Monsanto has settled in court to pay out over 10 billion dollars for alleged cancers due to Glyphosate (Round-Up), the potential cost of litigation regarding the scientifically proven health effects of radiofrequency exposure must be considered.

We suspect it is the cities, counties, states, the individual elected officials, the board members and the leadership of the utilities who have conspired to install untested 5G that will likely face future costs from citizen lawsuits and perhaps criminal prosecution for negligence. This risk is unacceptable. The potential for Spokane, the County, and our State going bankrupt is very real. Protect our city, our county, our state, and protect yourselves from legal liability by halting 5G now.

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6-3 Declining Property Values : Americans for Responsible Technology

5G Lowered Property Values

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VII. Privacy & Security Threats of 5G

7-1 Unlawful Surveillance Capabilities with 5G MIMO Grids
7-2 Potential Weaponization of Millimeter Waves in Civilian Neighborhoods

7-1 Unlawful Surveillance Capabilities with 5G MIMO Grids

The Combination that is "5G" is a Perfect Tool for Surveillance
Wide Spectrum Frequency for Maximum Coverage: Low Band Frequency (500-900 megahertz (MHz)) has a large wave length and can travel long distances and through walls including brick and concrete. High Band Millimeter Wave (24,000-86,000 MHz) can carry a high amount of data short distances.

Multiple In, Multiple Out. Enables the sending and receiving of data, including data from frequency disturbances in the air. This allows for real time mapping of objects, much like a bat can "see" using a high pitched sonar frequency, so to can 5G MIMO Grids using 5G frequencies. Utilized in a tight 5G Grid, with Wireless Telecom Facilities (WTFs) placed 500 feet apart, these waves received with MIMO technology collect data that can be used for real time mapping, and the rapid transfer of large data packets.

The ability of private corporations to surveil citizens unlawfully in, what was once thought to be "the privacy of", their own homes is increased as more sWTFs are installed in a grid formation in our neighborhoods. Citizens value their privacy and this basic American value must be protected.

Edge Computing, Cybersecurity
Built into 5G will be the shift toward utilizing Edge Computing, a form of Distributed Computing, to process data at the source or "node", or near the source instead of routing through a cloud or server based data server.

"In the past, the promise of cloud and AI was to automate and speed innovation by driving actionable insight from data. But the unprecedented scale and complexity of data that's created by connected devices has outpaced network and infrastructure capabilities. Sending all that device-generated data to a centralized data center or to the cloud causes bandwidth and latency issues. Edge computing offers a more efficient alternative: data is processed and analyzed closer to the point where it's created."

The problem of securing Edge Computing has not yet been solved. Nor has who is responsible for solving the problem been designated or regulated. Who is responsible for securing our personal data from our Internet of Things (IoT) "smart homes" and 5G enabled devices, as well as the data independently collected by the carriers, government, or hackers? Considering how frequent cybersecurity breaches occur already, compromising citizen's private account information or social security numbers, it is alarming that this issue has not been addressed by our regulating body, the FCC. The vulnerability of 5G to hacking is an enormous problem for which there must be oversight.

Privacy Risks, 4th Amendment Violations
We also have a history, as is detailed by the ACLU, of illegal government surveillance. 5G MIMO Grids in concert with edge computing, Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition technology is the perfect recipe for a society devoid of privacy, safety, or security. As Americans, we value Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. At Spokane Wired, we believe that these values cannot be pursued without privacy, as is detailed in the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Considering none of these privacy or security issues have been solved, we must not allow the deployment of 5G MIMO Grids and Facial Recognition technology. A society devoid of privacy is not free.

Who owns our data? Who owns the information of when we wake; when we go to work and where; who we live with; where we sit to eat our meals; when we shower - all within our private homes?
What is being done to secure the private data carried on the 5G carcinogenic soup of radiowaves, into the 5G MIMO Grid? Whose interest is served when hackers, multi-national corporations or the government have this invasive surveillance infrastructure available to them at the click of a mouse, the crunch of an algorithm, or the hack of a node?

Certainly, the interest of the American citizen is not being served.
If we allow 5G grids into our neighborhoods, cities, counties and states, we will destroy the privacy and security we expect as Americans. To preserve our free and secure society, we must take swift action to halt surveillance technology such as 5G MIMO grids and facial recognition.

Will we allow our country to become "The Land of the Surveilled & the Home of the Sick"? - or -
Will we take action now to preserve "The Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave"?

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7-2 Potential Weaponization of Millimeter Waves in Civilian Neighborhoods

"Allowing technology without it being proven to be safe is reckless in the extreme."

- Professor Trevor G. Marshall, Autoimmunity Research Foundation
Co-author of "Electrosmog and autoimmune disease" 2016 paper

"The plans to beam highly penetrative 5G Milliwave radiation at us from space must surely
be one of the greatest follies ever conceived of by mankind, there will be nowhere safe to live."

- Olga Sheean, Author of "No Safe Place"

"Microwave radiation will ultimately cause global catastrophe by damaging all life systems."

- Barrie Trower, British Physicist and Microwave Weapons Expert

Frequency as a Military Weapon:
One does not have to look any further than YouTube to view recent live demonstrations of Directed Energy Weapons. A search for "Active Denial System", "the Growler" or "Direct Energy Weapon" utilized for "Crowd Control" yields multiple results. Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) utilize a millimeter frequency wave at 90GHz, just a smidge above one of the newly licensed 5G frequencies 79GHz which, according to British Physicist and Frequency Weapons expert, Barrie Trower, is capable of the same application.

Dr. Barrie Trower, a retired British Physicist and Microwave Weapons Expert turned whistle-blower, began his tenure in the British Royal Navy in 1960s. In his retirement he is lecturing, interviewing and consulting governments around the world regarding the evidence that radio frequency is being used to destroy life on the planet.

5G millimeter wave direct energy weapons (DEW), in the militarized application, work by beaming the frequency at a target, using phased array technology, which heats the water in the skin to create a burn. In addition to burning the skin, it is known to cause visual, neurological and heart disturbances. Barrie Trower states that even a pulsed long low power dose can be equally or even more dangerous than a short high dose.

Frequency as an Anti-Life Biological Weapon
(Summary of an 2018 interview with Barry Trower):
"5G Gigantic health hazard dr Barrie Trower - ver EN"
YouTube Channel: "danielcichy" URL:
Other interviews:
Interview Transcripts:

Barrie Trower stated in the Dec. 2018 interview that the rollout of 5G, adding to the already damaging microwaves in our everyday lives, is "tantamount to genocide":

"The microwave frequencies we are exposed to today were known to cause mental and physical damage in 1971 by the US Medical Research Institute. He references evidence he encountered in his military career that predicts that in 3 generations all mammals will only birth 1 healthy child out of every 8. Microwave radiation will ultimately cause global catastrophe by damaging all life systems. This damage is already seen in the destruction of trees thereby causing the acidification of lakes, streams and oceans and has already had a profound effect on insect populations which is affecting the survival of all life that depends on them for food such as birds and bats as well as harming the population of bees which are essential for human food crops."

"All living matter, every cell in every living thing on the planet, produces it's own waves or field of energy: 10.5 thousand biological structures communicates electrically. Microwaves disrupt this field. Pulse frequencies disrupt the clocks within the body generally regulated by the hypothalamus as well as tiny molecule structures which vibrate. Pulse frequencies can change these biological clocks and cause resonance in other parts of the body changing circadian and cyclotronic system making them unbalanced and causing dysfunction. It is known that women have 13 different circadian rhythms from men. The most susceptible is the embryo within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.
While working in cold war, talking to spies, there were lists of 30-40 frequencies that were known and used in cold war to cause cancer, neurological illnesses, suicide, breast cancer; that could cause neurological and physical effects to cause death."

"Today 750 frequencies are known and through synergistic means, multiplied - symptoms, for example, may be the same as lead arsenic poisoning. Frequencies can change neurological structures to make someone suicidal. The 17 trillion dollar Telecommunications industry knows all of health effects and nonetheless, people are being intentionally deceived, to protect industrial output."

5G Targeted Technology - Phased Array, MIMO:
Past wireless towers were only capable of omnidirectional transmission of frequency, but as was mentioned earlier, unique to the 5G grid comes the ability to beam transmission of frequency. From a weapons perspective, this is the first generation of transmitters in a civilian environment capable of targeting individuals. Additionally, since MIMO (Multiple In, Multiple Out) technology allows multiple frequencies to be transmitted and received simultaneously, through Artificial Intelligence and edge computing, frequency disturbances could be analyzed in real time to target an individual with or without a phone or device. The targeting potential of this technology without oversight for software security, power output, and maintenance could spell disaster in our community.

Since frequency can be and is used as a weapon of biological harm, we cannot allow the installation of this potential weapon before we are assured of it's long term safety for biological life, it's security from computer hacking or government overreach, and the fail-safe safety measures built into the hardware to prevent the weaponization potential of the technology. From a national security position, it is reckless to place phased array, MIMO, radio-frequency generators in a grid every 500 feet in civilian neighborhoods, business districts, and outside municipal buildings. There is far too much potential for catastrophic use of this technology.

A Long History of Radio Frequency Weapons Potential:

In our research at Spokane Wired we obtained a report from March 1976, PREPARED BY U.S. ARMY MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE AND INFORMATION AGENCY, OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL, which summarizes a wide range of biological research showing the effects of electromagnetic radiation on people, animals and insects.


It is evident from this document, corroborated by Barrie Trower's first hand accounts, that the study of radio wave and microwave frequencies, their harmful biological effects, and military applications have long been known, studied and documented.

The March 1976 report summarized the biological effects as shown in scientific study in the following areas:

The excerpt below, taken from the summary, illustrates the potential for utilizing frequency as a biological weapon:

If the effects of microwave and radio frequency had been so well studied in 1976, and known to have biological effects, and potential for weaponization, what has been learned in the last 44 years of which the public is not being informed?
We recommend reviewing the entire 34 page report :
Also relevant: by Dr. Magda Havas 2013: "Radiation from wireless technology affects the blood, the heart, and the autonomic nervous system"

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VIII. Expectations of City, County & State for Regulation & Oversight Regarding 5G

1. Halt Installation of New Wireless Facilities
Halt installation of new wireless facilities including those for use as 5G or further expansion of "Smart City" technology and any facilities utilizing radio frequency for crowd control or dispersion (such as "mosquitoes") in Spokane County and Washington State until proven safe for long term exposure by independent scientists

2. Create City / County / State Oversight: Permitting and Compliance for All Wireless Facilities.

3. Create Health Department Oversight: Health Data Acquisition, Tracking, Analysis.

4. Create a State Commission investigating the health, security, privacy, religious and philosophical implications of using of non-ionizing radiation as a tool for communication and commerce.

The aim of the commission will be to specifically assess:

Biological and Environmental Effects
To assess the biological and environmental effects of non-ionoizing radiation, the commission will be headed by an independent scientist such as Dr. Martin Pall, Dr. Magda Havis, or Dr. Devra Davis. This will encompass the effects of cumulative exposure as well as the comprehensive individual exposure from both targeted use and ambient exposure from all frequency spectrum's currently in use by technologies such as: Smart City Technology, Smart Electricity Meters, Water Meters, Gas Meters, WiFi, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Smart Homes, Home Entertainment and Computer systems, Bluetooth headsets, gaming consoles, and automobile wireless such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, OnStar and Satelite WiFi, and Shortwave and 2Way Radio.

Security Threats
To assess and mitigate the security threats from Microwave and Milliwave Frequencies, MIMO, Edge Computing, and Phased Array Technologies, the commission must include consulting from frequency weapons experts such as retired physicist, Barrie Trower, of the British Royal Navy and experts in Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Computing Security.

Violation of Property Rights
To assess the potential violations of property rights, and to study the devaluation of property due to installation of Small Cell Wireless Facilities, the commission must include Constitutional Legal Counsel, Realtors and home and business owners.

Violation of Privacy
To assess the potential privacy violations, the commission must include engineers with a specific understanding of gathering data in real time from disturbances in frequency fields, and gathering data from technology in smart home and smart grid applications, experts in Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Computing Security, Constitutional Legal Counsel, and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Artificial Intelligence
To assess the use of artificial intelligence in American life, the commission must be include an expert with a broad understanding of AI such as Cyrus Parsa, and must include futurists, historians, philosophers, religious leaders, and Constitutional Legal Counsel.

Comprehensive Report
Concluding the investigation, within one year, a comprehensive report shall be made public with recommendations for the public use of wireless technology, policy regarding public exposure, proposed legislation, and written regulations.

This is the time to utilize discernment and forsight as we build a new earth. We are at a fork in the road. Will we choose to create a world, a human family, that values beauty, liberty, and justice, or will we choose to buid a technocratic world where all life is a commodoty to be bought, sold and controlled?

At Spokane Wired, we are choosing to create beauty, liberty and justice. We hope you will join us.

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IX. Gratitude

We Thank you for Reviewing this Notice of Alert.

We appreciate that this may be an overwhelming amount of information. Our hope is that in thoroughly reading this packet you will come to understand, as we have, how gravely important it is that we halt the "deployment" of 5G, followed by the systematic effort to reduce wireless radio frequency exposure and replace it with wired fiber optic connections. The preservation of our lives, our liberty, and the health of all life on our planet depends on our taking action now.

We recognize, due to the calculated and well funded campaign of the Telecom Industry, that anyone who is questioning the safety or security of 5G has been labeled a conspiracy theorist or a quack. You will find these slanderous claims in popular news outlets and blog posts, in Google searches, Facebook ad campaigns, and "fact check" agencies. When according to former FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler, the industry is projected to gain "tens of billions of dollars, and that gain is dependent on the build-out of 5G grid infrastructure, it will do anything to discredit those who may get in the way of their profits, truth be damned. One only has to follow the money to discover if the information we encounter has been funded by industry. Even our news outlets are funded by industry advertisements. One cannot bite the hand that feeds them and expect to be fed.

We trust that you recognize the purity of our interest. The members of Spokane Wired have come together to serve our community, humanity and the world. Our members and our organization have no financial interest in halting 5G. This report has been generated solely from our volunteer, unpaid time and effort. We are called to be the messengers of this essential information so to inspire swift and meaningful action.

We request a meaningful response in two weeks time.

With Gratitude,

Spokane Wired

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